Free Releasing Peace Workshop - Save Your Spot
We are so excited to see how God is moving in the lives of His people! We have been activating the word of God and people are experiencing His healing power.
Join us Saturday, September 12th at 1PM PST to be trained and equipped in releasing God's peace! Dr. John Proodian is looking forward to equipping the saints in this next installment of the Healing Training and Activation series.
Healing Training and Activation: Releasing The Kingdom
RSVP for FREE today!
Join us Saturday, August 29th at 1PM PST to be trained and equipped in Releasing The Kingdom! Dr. John and Janet Proodian are looking forward to equipping the saints in this installment of the Healing Training and Activation series.
Through workshops John focuses on how to pray for the sick and release the Anointed One in every believer. It is our firm belief that every believer should be seeing people healed when they lay hands on them because that’s what Jesus said and did (see Mark 16:17-18).
In the Bible, the word “justice”, when translated into Greek or Hebrew, is either the word “righteousness” or “judgment”. Justice, then, is what God judges to be right. In God’s sight, there is no justice apart from righteousness. To cry out for justice, is to ask God to bring judgment on anything that is not according to His righteousness. We must be mindful how we pray.
It’s time for the church to speak truth and reveal the righteousness of God. Rather than join with the world to cry out for “social justice” and “unity” in our cities (for what fellowship does light have with darkness? 2 Cor. 6:14), we must pray for unity in the CHURCH and REPENTANCE in our cities. We must pray for a conviction of wickedness, that the righteousness of God be revealed to lead to repentance and salvation.
What we long for can only be manifest through repentance and salvation, which aligns the heart of man with the heart of God and HIS righteousness.
Pray that the church will be bold (Acts 4) in this hour to speak God’s truth, reveal His righteousness and preach repentance. May God be merciful to us.
-Janet Proodian
Healing Training 101 (Digital Audio Teaching)
Sale Price: 5.00 Original Price:7.99
In this powerful audio teaching, author and healing minister, John Proodian discusses how you can activate Christ’s healing power.
Run-Time: 01:20:49
I regularly invite other ministers to join me on Facebook Live for miracle sessions. People are not only receiving healing and words of wisdom during the sessions but also in watching the replays. Click to watch some of our recent sessions.
John is so grateful to regularly see the lame walk, the blind see, and many other miracles by the power and love of God as formerly he saw few miracles. If John can now lay hands on the sick and see them recover (Mark 16) than anyone can.
We invite you to witness these miraculous healings!
VCA Fairview Brain Ulcer Testimony