Jesus Nation

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The New Creation

The New Creation

When you come into agreement with who God says you are everything shifts and transformation occurs.

Who does God say you are? He says you are a new creation, it is no longer you that lives, you died, end of that story, and now a new being is created called Christ in You.

Christ is Anointed One. He is Anointed One Jesus. You are Anointed One in (insert your name here). Paul said in Gal 2:20 that ‘It is no longer I that live but Christ that lives within me’.

When you come into agreement by faith that you are a new creation; the fusion of God and man then you are free and miracles flow, destiny is released, the Kingdom of God goes wherever you go, prayers are answered, sonship is establish, you are known in heaven and heaven knows you, you are a citizen of heaven, an ambassador of God, gods mouthpiece, a living epistle, and on and on.

It is coming into agreement by faith that you believe He is who He says He is and you are who He says you are.

For me the term ‘personal relationship with Jesus’ doesn’t even begin to describe the whole story.

Jesus came for you, died for you, rose for you, so that you could repent and your sins forgiven so that you could die to the old singular self and receive the Holy Spirit and be a new creation called Christ in you.

You become a son of God, all of creation is waiting for you to realize by faith that you are a new creation.

Living life as a new creation fused with God and living as a new creation is far beyond a relationship with Jesus it is a new creation, new identity, new Kingdom, all things are new.

Jesus did not rise from the dead for us so that we could return to being like Adam. Adam did not have Christ in Him, Adam had a relationship with God if you will because God had to visit Adam and walk with him in the cool of the day.

What we have is far greater, thanks to God and to God be the glory. Come into agreement right now in this moment by faith that you are who He says you are. A new creation that never existed prior.

Take a moment and thank the Lord and tell him you are thankful that HE has made you a new creation called Christ in (insert your name) by His love, mercy, and grace. Say it out loud and focus completely on HIM.

Knowing who you are in Him by faith releases miracles, sets the captives free, etc. The sick are healed, words of knowledge and wisdom, and prophesy rise up within you and you lead people into an encounter with God so that they may become a new creation and sons of God as well.

Your life is transformed and in turn the lives of those around you and those you come in contact with. Rise up and in faith and confidence in God that it is Him in you that lives!