God with us!
This year has been challenging for many. The enemy has tried to discourage and destroy at greater levels than we have seen in a long time. BUT GOD!
This month, I want to remind you that our world was once at its darkest hour. Many of God's people had lost hope and many were beaten down by economic circumstances, they were oppressed by their government, they were ridiculed for their faith. It was in this dark hour that God sent his one and only son as a tiny baby to save the world. Into the darkness came a great light! Emmanuel - GOD WITH US!
And He is still with us. After dying for our sins on a cross to make a way for us to be made right with God, Jesus ascended into Heaven and sent back the Holy Spirit to live in all who believe in him.
That means the light of the world lives in you. And this world needs it more than ever. So shine! Smile despite your circumstance because you trust in a God that heals and restores. Give love and grace to those that don't deserve it just as Jesus did for you. Let's show a dark world the light of Jesus this season.
Next year, I will have even more exciting ways to teach you about the power of Jesus that lives in you. In the meantime, I encourage you to read my book or watch some of my teachings. Get ready! God has big plans to use YOU next year.
In His Love,
Are you ready for healing miracles, prophetic, signs, and wonders?
My passion is activating you in healing and introducing all people to Christ the Healer.
Through miracle services and workshops I focus on preaching and demonstrating the Kingdom of God while helping every believer see that they can heal the sick just like Jesus did (Mark 16:17-18).
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