John and Janet Proodian on It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth
Healing Training and Activation: Launching In Ministry
Join us Saturday, September 26th at 1PM PST to be trained and equipped in Launching In Ministry! Dr. John Proodian welcomes Bishop Rich Conte from The Philippines this week and they are looking forward to equipping the saints in this next installment of the Healing Training and Activation series
Meet Christ the Healer!
John Proodian's passion is to equip the saints in the ministry of Jesus in preaching the Kingdom of God and demonstrating the Kingdom of God in healing miracles, prophetic, signs, and wonders.
In miracle services John activates the saints in healing and introduces people to Christ the Healer.
Through workshops John focuses on how to pray for the sick and release the Anointed One in every believer. It is our firm belief that every believer should be seeing people healed when they lands hands on them because that’s what Jesus said and did (see Mark 16:17-18).
New Book
If you’ve ever wondered why healing has been delayed, this book is for you.
#1 Bestseller on Amazon!
Accelerated Healing by John Proodian
Accelerated Healing is a powerful message that will lift your hopes and inspire faith to release a new level of miracle power in your life!
Learn what ignited John’s passion to pursue healing, read incredible testimonies of amazing miracles, and receive practical teaching on how to receive and release divine healing instantly!
Overcome the pain of disappointment from past failed healing attempts. Reach out with renewed faith and power, and lay hold of Accelerated Healing.