Most of us know the truth that Jesus already provided (past tense) our healing over 2,000 years ago on the cross. (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24) It is a done deal. However, many of us struggle with procuring what happened in the past for our present situations. It doesn’t change the fact that God’s time to heal was before, and we need to step into it now.
The concept of ACCELERATION is the act on our part of bringing God’s yesterday into our today. He wanted us healed a long time ago. Israel, when they entered the Promised Land to possess it, was forty years off from God’s original timing. We need to “catch up” to what God has already done!
“The split second we feel any connection with the Lord, any amount of His presence, snatch it fast! Grab hold of it quickly and don’t let it go for anything in the world!”
Once you feel God, or if you even think God is doing something, take it fast—and be healed, right now, even as you’re reading in this moment. Once the healing has manifested acknowledge what God is doing in your life by praising and thanking Him.
We need to be taught that the split second we feel any connection with the Lord, any download of faith, any amount of anointing, any amount of His presence, corporately or personally—boom!—snatch it fast, grab hold of it quickly and don’t let it go for anything in the world. Take Him fast! We need to be like striking lightning when it comes to taking healing from the Lord. Pounce on it like a tiger and shake it with our teeth! Scarf it down like a hungry kid on a cheeseburger. (Did that give a good word picture in your mind?)
We don’t need to wait for some time that God wants to heal us. His yesterday needs to be brought into our today. “Now is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6:2) Now now, right now, not later. Salvation, as I’m sure you’re aware, is an all-inclusive word that means whole salvation: spirit, soul and body. Do a word study on sozo if you don’t believe me. We can just as properly substitute the word “healing” in every case of “salvation,” the same as putting in “healed” for “saved.” They are identical renderings, since the Greek word means total salvation for every facet of our existence.
“We don’t need to wait for some time that God wants to heal us. His yesterday needs to be brought into our today.”
The purpose of this material is not to convince a disbeliever that Jesus heals today, but as an aside, I’d like to point out that “healing” is just as much for the body and the mind, as for the spirit (the born again experience.) Well, technically, of a truth, our spirit isn’t “healed,” per se, when we are born again—it is recreated, made alive toward God once again. But when Isaiah 53:4-5 talks about “griefs and sorrows” (literally “sicknesses and pains” in the Hebrew; look them up in a concordance)—the “by His stripes we are healed…” is talking about your earthly body and soul (again, the mind, will and emotions.)
So since this passage of scripture is speaking of the crucifixion of Christ—this is all a past-tense situation, a done deal. God’s time to heal you was yesterday. You need to bring that revelation into your today. Accelerate the speed at which we are receiving from the Lord. That’s the thrust of this book, to show you that the healing you need is yours for the taking already.
There’s a biblical principle to this concept that God has already accomplished something we need to enter into now. For example, the Israelites didn’t enter into the Promised Land until forty years later than what God intended. Their inheritance was supposed to be received at that time, but because of hesitation and unbelief, it hindered God’s now plan four decades. They wandered around in the wilderness when God had planned for them to take possession of the land at that moment.
Your provision of healing isn’t something that is coming to you in the future. It was there before you were. What we need to do is take yesterday’s truth and make it today’s reality.